Abhishek Anil

Abhishek Anil, a master's student in Aerospace Engineering and bachelor's graduate in Mechanical Engineering, holds the position of CTO at IMENSUS.


With over 4 years of engineering experience and a focus on aerospace technology, he brings extensive expertise to our team. Throughout his professional journey, Abhishek gained valuable insights in the field of aerospace system engineering and research. As a working student at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), he actively contributed to advancements in this field.


His dedication and expertise were further highlighted by his outstanding performance in the DLR Design Challenge 2023, where he secured the second-place position.

Email: a.anil.imensus@outlook.com


Phone: +49 17634437387

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

From the "Think different" advertising campaign (Apple 1997).